Really, Where Does the Time Go?
Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. I appreciate them all. Hope you all had a nice holiday weekend. We were busy with a lot of yard work, which is never ending. Visiting with friends and some stitching. Sorry for the bad picture, I don't iron until the piece is finished. This is Dogwood Lace by Rosewood Manor. The fabric is 36 ct. Chantilly Cream by LSL. I am loving this piece and wish I had more time to work on it. You can clock on any of the pictures for a larger view. This is my stitching group piece. It is coming along nicely. I had The Summer Band sampler stretched and popped it into the frame I am using for all 4 seasons. I love the frame molding and it goes well with all of the seasons. I will end with a couple more shots of my Iris. They are so happy. Stella is growing and doing well. This coming weekend we are going to the shelters yearly open house for the adopted pets and their families. Hope to get some shots of her and her siblings. Until next tim...