Nantucket and more

It's been a wild couple of weeks in Eastern Massachusetts. The blizzard dumped over 2 feet of snow, left my area without power for 5 days and left a lot of devistation in her wake. I lost many trees in the back yard and two beautiful Christmas type pines in the front. Thankfully none of the trees fell on the house. This past week end we got another 6 inches of snow. I love snow but I have had enough for the year. On to the stitching, which is why we are all here. I went to the framers just before the blizzard and picked up Nantucket. I love this piece. 

The frame is beautiful. Reminds me of drift wood. It isn't as blue as the picture would suggest. It's a gray blue color. Goes perfectly with the design. I have had many questions about the color of the house, yes I changed the color. I didn't have 2 of the called for color and changed it to King Mackerel by WDW and instead of the Barrel Cactus I used DMC 927. I like the changes. 
Here are three of my MA pieces in the mudroom. I will just keep adding pieces that remind me of New England.

This is Blue Violets by BBD. I love BBD designs and have done many of them but I hate this piece. The violets aren't blue. They are all muddy purple in color. The floss they used for the stems and the vine are so close in color that you can't see a difference. The house is just plain homely. I am so unhappy with this design.

This is Red Cottage by PSS. This piece I am crazy for. It's done on 36 ct v strawflower and is about 6x6 in size. I think that I will make it into a pillow. Not 100% sure yet. 
As I stitched this past week end while the snow fell, I had these beautiful daffodils to look at to remind me that Spring will be coming. Until next time ..... Happy Stitching! Deborah


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